Workplace Hub

The Workplace Hub has been designed through the lens of lived experience to truly support women at work who are vulnerable to impacts on their employment, financial security and wellbeing due to DFV.

Outcome: provide proven, wrap around support for your employees with lived experience of domestic and family violence.

An aggregate of data suggests that up to 20% of women employees in any organisation (with some industries being higher than others) have lived experience of domestic and family violence (DFV).

How it works:

  1. Sign up your workplace so your employees can anonymously access a fee-for-access membership to our (virtual) Workplace Hub.

  2. The Hub delivers a supportive peer environment, mentoring, skills development and bespoke masterclasses for women at work to thrive, maintain their productivity and performance and advance their careers

  3. Be supported by our team to develop resources, communications and training to your entire organisation to ensure the support is integrated at every level

Are you an employee of a registered organisation?
Our hub and resources are free for you to access anytime.